
Friday, January 31, 2014

Anime Review

I'm trying something new today. I watch a lot of anime all the time and no one knows what I'm saying when I talk to them about it. Soooo from now on I will be putting up reviews for anime I have watched or the most current anime episode if it has a lot episodes. Hope you read them!


  1. Sweet! Anime is sooo cool! Can't wait to read your first post!

  2. Very interesting! Do you watch the episodes online or on television? Forgive my anime ignorance. (blush)

    1. It depends on what type you want to watch. In anime there are 3 types: subtitles (which is the original show in Japanese, but with English subtitles), dub (which is the original show, but with English voice over so it seems like the characters are talking in english), or raw (which is the normal show in Japanese). You can watch some animes, such as Bleach, Naruto, Sword Art Online, and ect., in dub on Cartoon Network at Saturday nights. You can watch sub and raw online on an anime website, but you can also watch raw if you buy Japanese channels on your television.

  3. I really think that anime is a very addicting type of show. When I first watched Naruto, I gave up because it was very boring. I have three classmates who think it is interesting but I don't know why.

    1. I can introduce new anime that you are interested in if you want, just tell me what genres and categories you like.

  4. Hello.
    U have a very interesting topic for your blog, I like it! (and anime!!! x3)
