
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

     Random Royaltee’s First Blog Attempt:

 Over the weekend my parents got us a puppy. But here’s the thing. I didn’t know we were getting a puppy until my brother, who is 9, walked into the house with a puppy. I thought they were out golfing. Basically this is about why not to keep the puppy.
Problem: My parents work Tuesday through Friday, so that means my brother and I go to our grandparents’ house during those days. So who’s going to take care of the adorable 3 months old puppy? My dad’s friend. My thoughts were along the lines of oh well, that’s that, now leave me alone and how far away is the closest pizzeria. 



  1. Did your parents think of who was going to take care of the new puppy? And do you ever walk him? Puppies can be very hard to take care of. And pet is hard to take care of but dogs are hard because you have to walk them every day. Otherwise they are awesome in my opinion.

    1. I agree. The benefits of a puppy are worth the trouble they cause! I am a little biased though, as a new puppy owner myself.

    2. My dad tends to do things before he thinks and I think this is a perfect example him being an irresponsible adult.

  2. Puppies are a lot of work! I know this because I have a six month old. I agree that your parents should have let everyone in the family know what was going on, because a new puppy affects everyone. However, you must admit, puppies are really cute!

  3. Did your parents give you a hint that they were going to get you a puppy? Maybe they wanted to surprise you. The puppy is going to become very attached to your dad's friend. Can you take the puppy to your Grandma's house?

    1. Funny thing.. I'm not an animal person. So when we did get it I was not as happy as my brother. As long as she doesn't touch me I don't care about it. And my grandpa hates dogs, so the answer to the last question is nope.
